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Educational Approach

We are dedicated to training outstanding, competent and motivated professionals who are capable of practicing medicine in different countries around the world.

Our educational approach and methodology complies with applicable international standards such as the Global Standards in Basic Medical Education of the World Federation for Medical Education, the WHO Guidelines for Quality Assurance of Traditional Medical Education and the Global Minimum Essential Requirements in Medical Education.

Yet, we have taken several further steps to advance the quality of medical education at SUMC. We have implemented an original and innovative curriculum model for training medical students, which was chosen by the Chinese Ministry of Education as an exemplary model of pedagogical reform in China, and gained wide recognition from universities around the country. For detailed information about our curriculum model, please click here.

Some key features of our educational approach are highlighted in the following section.


Contact details and map


SUMC central campus

Shantou University Medical College

No. 22 Xinling Road

Shantou, 515041

Guangdong Province

People's Republic of China


SUMC on Shantou University campus

Shantou University Medical College

No. 243 Daxue Road

Shantou, 515063

Guangdong Province

People's Republic of China




Map & Chinese address

Click here for a printable map and address details in Chinese.

