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SUMC Second Affiliated Hospital

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College is a general hospital with the highest ranking (level 3A) in the Chinese national hospital rating system. It was one of the first hospitals in China ever to acquire internationally-recognized certifications on quality management and environment management (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001).

The Second Affiliated Hospital is renowned for its surgery specialties such as orthopedic surgery, (micro)neurological surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, urology and colorectal surgery, pediatric surgery, plastic surgery and general surgery. As a key comprehensive hospital in the region, the Second Affiliated Hospital also boasts expert clinicians in such fields as cardiovascular diseases, pulmonology, infectious diseases, nephrology, otolaryngology (ENT), stomatology, endocrinology, rheumatism, pediatrics, and gynecology & obstetrics.

The Second Affiliated Hospital currently has over 1,300 employees, 1,500 hospital beds available for patients, 36 clinical departments, 14 medical technical units, an intensive care unit (ICU), and a cardiac care unit (CCU). There are extensive teaching facilities for our undergraduate and graduate students and residents.

Contact details Address: Second Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College   Dongxia North Road (Zhu-Xia block), Shantou, 515041   Guangdong Province, P.R.C. Telephone: +86 (0)754 8891 5666 Website: http://www.st120.cn


Contact details and map


SUMC central campus

Shantou University Medical College

No. 22 Xinling Road

Shantou, 515041

Guangdong Province

People's Republic of China


SUMC on Shantou University campus

Shantou University Medical College

No. 243 Daxue Road

Shantou, 515063

Guangdong Province

People's Republic of China




Map & Chinese address

Click here for a printable map and address details in Chinese.

